Cold Coffee

Cold Coffee
Photographed by Paul Schonfeld

November 16, 2010

I Didn’t Steal that Candy

(Written in my moleskin note pad at Popcorn.)

Honesty is an idea that is man-made: “Truth.”

Yet in reality it is truth that saves the individual not the group. Honesty, therefore, has many definitions. I used to steal candy out of the big clear plastic bins in Pick’n Save when I could finally reach them. Mints, butterscotch, Tootsie Rolls, whatever my small hands could grasp fast enough before my mother turned around. Only months later did she find a blue mint in my jean pocket while doing wash. You better believe I deserved a cuff for that one. “You know that is wrong,” she had said. (I knew.)

People do a lot of wrong, and they know it. But, it only hurts and becomes dishonest when we get caught; caught taking something that is not ours and then trying to change the definition of truth so the line is so fine that you can’t even see it like a string of fishing line.

Love is a synonym for truth; one cannot survive without the other. . . . Love is also another word which has a definition that is intangible but many believe can be held. Things, things, things are what people think they need. But then they “get” and find that they have been given one thing, one feeling: boredom not love.

Boring is that stale feeling in the morning, that dry taste coffee leaves in your mouth after too many cups or getting that one toy you wanted for Christmas which you play with for a couple of hours then wish for something else.

Love can be dull, but truth is never boring, for it cannot be defined when you’re young or when your old. You just have to believe in it.

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